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mine belt 雷帶。

mine captain

The article introduces a design of electric control system based on the special chip 80c196mc for mine belt conveyor , including the functions , hardware structure and software of the system 提出了一種基于80c196mc專用芯片的礦用帶式輸送機電控系統設計方案,包括系統功能、系統硬件構成及軟件編制。

The reliability of operation of mine belt conveyor is related to the safety and produce efficiency mining 摘要礦用膠帶輸送機的可靠性直接關系到礦井的安全生產和生產效率。

General technical conditions of automatic electric water - spouting fire extinguishing system for coal mine belt conveyer 煤礦帶式輸送機電氣式自動噴水滅火系統通用技術條件

Design of an electric safety control system based on single chip processor for mine belt conveyor 基于單片機的礦用膠帶輸送機安全電控系統設計

Research on fire disaster monitoring and control technology for mine belt conveyor 礦用帶式輸送機火災監控技術的研究

Common mechanical soft driving device of mine belt conveyor 煤礦膠帶輸送機常用機械軟啟動裝置

Optimized design of driving drum for mine belt conveyor 礦用帶式輸送機傳動滾筒的優化設計